Return Management - Partnerships
Return Management is associated with a few select partners. By working together, sharing platforms, tools and services, we can better meet your needs and achieve the best possible results in all areas.
CARL is a platform for the sale of medium-sized businesses that are looking for a successor or successor. With more than 2,500 investor profiles on the platform, CARL has the largest and most diverse buyer network in Europe and can therefore help companies from all industries to a successful sale. Drawing on experience from more than 100 sales processes, the fintech automates parts of the process, increasing not only the efficiency but also the reliability of the transaction. At the portal https://www.nachfolge.de, CARL regularly publishes specialist articles on the pressing issue of succession in German SMEs. Through our partnership with CARL, we increase the reach of your listing when selling your life’s work and can also draw on many useful tools.
CARL Finance GmbH
Phone: +49 30 403 630 710
E-Mail: Kontakt@carlfinance.de
Website: www.carlfinance.de
LinkedIn: CARL
Do you have questions about the succession of your company? You are not sure what to look for when valuing your company or you are interested in what impact digitalization has on your entrepreneurship? Then you will find the answers to your questions in the following section. The Nachfolge.de website is operated by the CARL company. The team behind CARL consists of a number of qualified and experienced transaction consultants. Together with these experts, Return Management supports and accompanies entrepreneurs on their way to lead their life’s work into a secure future. In doing so, we provide our clients with easy access to a unique network of buyers through platform-based technology solutions. Together with CARL, we offer customized opportunities to medium-sized businesses that were long available only to large corporations. Find out more about complex issues and individual solutions here – presented in a clear and easy-to-understand way. Or discover the following guides:
FIMA – Die Finanzmanufaktur is a network of several highly experienced consulting
boutiques with a strong focus on the topics of buying and selling companies or parts of companies and the financing of companies. The partners have different backgrounds of experience and focus. As a result, jointly utilized resources in the area of services provide clients with significant additional benefits. This ensures that the best possible expertise is made available to the customer, depending on the task in hand.
FIMA – Die Finanzmanufaktur GmbH & Co. KG
Phone: +49 4182 807772
E-Mail: info@finanzmanufaktur.org
Website: www.https://www.finanzmanufaktur.org/