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Return Manage­ment - Partnerships

Return Manage­ment is asso­cia­ted with a few sel­ect part­ners. By working tog­e­ther, sha­ring plat­forms, tools and ser­vices, we can bet­ter meet your needs and achie­ve the best pos­si­ble results in all areas.

CARL is a plat­form for the sale of medi­um-sized busi­nesses that are loo­king for a suc­ces­sor or suc­ces­sor. With more than 2,500 inves­tor pro­files on the plat­form, CARL has the lar­gest and most diver­se buy­er net­work in Euro­pe and can the­r­e­fo­re help com­pa­nies from all indus­tries to a suc­cessful sale. Dra­wing on expe­ri­ence from more than 100 sales pro­ces­ses, the fin­tech auto­ma­tes parts of the pro­cess, incre­asing not only the effi­ci­en­cy but also the relia­bi­li­ty of the tran­sac­tion. At the por­tal, CARL regu­lar­ly publishes spe­cia­list artic­les on the pres­sing issue of suc­ces­si­on in Ger­man SMEs. Through our part­ner­ship with CARL, we increase the reach of your lis­ting when sel­ling your life’s work and can also draw on many useful tools.

CARL Finan­ce GmbH
Pho­ne: +49 30 403 630 710
Lin­ke­dIn: CARL

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the suc­ces­si­on of your com­pa­ny? You are not sure what to look for when valuing your com­pa­ny or you are inte­res­ted in what impact digi­ta­liza­ti­on has on your entre­pre­neur­ship? Then you will find the ans­wers to your ques­ti­ons in the fol­lo­wing sec­tion. The web­site is ope­ra­ted by the CARL com­pa­ny. The team behind CARL con­sists of a num­ber of qua­li­fied and expe­ri­en­ced tran­sac­tion con­sul­tants. Tog­e­ther with the­se experts, Return Manage­ment sup­ports and accom­pa­nies entre­pre­neurs on their way to lead their life’s work into a secu­re future. In doing so, we pro­vi­de our cli­ents with easy access to a uni­que net­work of buy­ers through plat­form-based tech­no­lo­gy solu­ti­ons. Tog­e­ther with CARL, we offer cus­to­mi­zed oppor­tu­ni­ties to medi­um-sized busi­nesses that were long available only to lar­ge cor­po­ra­ti­ons. Find out more about com­plex issues and indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons here – pre­sen­ted in a clear and easy-to-under­stand way. Or dis­co­ver the fol­lo­wing guides:

FIMA – Die Finanz­ma­nu­fak­tur is a net­work of seve­ral high­ly expe­ri­en­ced con­sul­ting
bou­ti­ques with a strong focus on the topics of buy­ing and sel­ling com­pa­nies or parts of com­pa­nies and the finan­cing of com­pa­nies. The part­ners have dif­fe­rent back­grounds of expe­ri­ence and focus. As a result, joint­ly uti­li­zed resour­ces in the area of ser­vices pro­vi­de cli­ents with signi­fi­cant addi­tio­nal bene­fits. This ensu­res that the best pos­si­ble exper­ti­se is made available to the cus­to­mer, depen­ding on the task in hand.

FIMA – Die Finanz­ma­nu­fak­tur GmbH & Co. KG
Pho­ne: +49 4182 807772
Web­site: www.